Wednesday, October 27, 2010


To my Prince
Who has loved me since
The beginning of forever.

From Your girl
Not of this world
I won't be alone, not ever.

You chose me first.
I was the worst
Thing that has ever been.

Covered in rags
Everything sags
I sit and wallow in sin.

Then You came along
And gave me a song
To sing all the rest of my days.

So I made the choice
To lift up my voice
In a beautiful melody of praise.

Here ends my tale
But I will not fail
To see that this isn't the ending

You are my King
Joy to I bring
No, this is but the beginning.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A little bit of the poetry I've written over the past four months. Some aren't finished. All of it is probably lame. I just don't always like to say things straight out and this was the way I decided to express myself at some point.

Life is so rough
I've had enough
Of all of this new, crazy stuff.
An aching heart,
Friends falling apart,
And stress over things I can't change.
I'm tired now
And don't know how
To deal with everything happening.
I have many joys:
Friends, love, new toys,
But other things are ominous clouds.
Decisions for life,
Friends causing strife,
And a love for one not loved in return.
These verses are lame
But they try to say
The things that I currently feel.
It's hard to express
All of my mess
In one little word-rhyming spiel.

I feel distracted and loved,
Confused and un-loved.
Lazy, wishful,
Giddy, blissful,
Distanced, sad,
Glad and mad.
But most of all, I feel SCARED.

I'll pray to God,
I know He's there,
But it feels like my words just get stuck in the air.
I've prayed to Him,
I know that He cares.
I've seen it so often with previous prayers.
But where is the wisdom?
The insight I asked for?
God, please send me an answer or open door.
I'm so lost, I need you more.
Please help me to see what you have in store.

Young Man
You make my heart sad!
You sigh and frown
And you're frequently down.
Youre depressed by some girl,
When to me, you mean the world!
You're the greatest of friends,
And I'd happily lend
My help and my heart to you.
You ought to know
How I care for you so!
Believe that I love you, it's true!

Why do you make me go crazy?
Why can't I get you out of my head?
I know exactly what I should do,
How carefully I should tread.
But why do you have to glance at me
And smile that irresistible smile?
Why can't you just stay away from me?
Not close the distance of miles.
I know you don't do this purposefully,
But you cannot fathom your effect on me.
Every time I see you,
All I can do is stare breathlessly.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

(: The Life and Adventures of... me :)

A little while back I was bored and so I decided to re-write my biography on facebook. It is wild, crazy and entirely fictitious! But now I'm thinking that no one was ever going to take the time to read it and if they did, they might be confused. (They would have to be pretty dumb to believe all those tall-tales but no offense. :)) SO I figured I should just retire it to a blog post. I don't expect anyone to read it here either, but I'll still have it for me. :)

The Life and Adventures of.... me :)

I was born in Albuquerque and grew up in a small town off the coast of Iowa. I had 11 siblings because everything was cheaper by the dozen. When I was about 5 years old I went skydiving for the first time. We moved to Antarctica for three years before moving back to the states and settling, for the time being, in Hawaii. The climate change was hard to get used to but its pretty awesome there and sometimes i wish we could move back. After Hawaii, we moved to DC where I got a pet politician but he was mean and so we had him put down. I was now 11 years old and half of my siblings had disappeared randomly over the years. I missed them very much and wondered where they had gone... At thirteen my world was shaken when I was told by my parents that Dad was a secret agent and all those people I had thought were my siblings were actually a band of traveling midgets whom dad had been assigned to protect. I truly only had four siblings. We moved to Texas on March 5, 2007. At fourteen, my oldest brother, Bob, died while in the wilds of Manhattan. It was a devastating loss but we learned to cope without him. On the eve of my fifteenth birthday, i was wary, because all of my birthdays of the past two years had catastrophe connected to them, but that one passed without incident. I had finally begun to feel some security in life when we again moved away from all my friends to California. This, by far, was the hardest move because I had finally thought that I would have a group of friends forever but it was not to be. I think the teenage years are the hardest to reconnect in a totally new group of strangers. But I persevered and came out alive. In the august before my sixteenth birthday, the best thing that has happened to me thus far occurred: we moved to a farm in the middle of America. Once again, it was hard to move, leave all my friends, and make new ones in a group of total strangers, but it worked out better this time than ever before. I met several amazing people!! I joined a youth group and a Bible study..... and here I am today. The summer after that wonderful move. It has almost been a year since we moved here. What will my seventeenth birthday hold, I wonder?

Friday, July 9, 2010

Story that has yet to be named :)

Forward by the author (me! ;] )

Near the end of summer 2008, I had a very long dream that was the clearest one I had ever had! When I woke up, I was able to remember all of the details. Everything that happened in chapters one and two, besides the small insert with the security tape, I dreamed. I lived through it as Ryn. When I "opened my eyes" as I was dreaming, I was immediately in Ryn's shoes and I suddenly knew everything that was written in the prologue. I thought, this is a great story! I want to know what will happen! So I decided that I would write the ending. So I started writing, but school started and I laid it aside. I wrote some more the next summer, and it still held my interest, but I really didn't know where it was going, what the plot was, what the story of the characters was going to be, or many other things. So once again, school started and I laid it aside until July of last year. That's when almost everything fell into place.

(January 2021) 
War. It's everywhere; the whole earth is in chaos. Everyone is calling it "World War III". The soviet is taking over and enforcing socialism wherever they conquer. All who believe in freedom are fighting against it. The US is torn. Some say "Socialism is not so bad. It has not ever been allowed to reach its full glory. We should help the soviets." Others are strongly opposed. "We want freedom! Socialism will take that away! The government will have too much power."  Alliances have been made, trusts have been broken, countries have fallen. The struggle has become so fierce that children, even girls, are eligible for recruit and immediate training by age thirteen. Only those who are too weak to fight are left at the homefront. but they are not idle. Everyone is involved. A few pray. They pray for a world that has given up on God. For a world that doesn't believe He exists, or that He cares. But.... that is not so. 

Chapter One

    Ryn Entar crouched in the corner of a dim, empty casino. On her left and about two feet in front of her was a wall. Her back was to a booth that held slot machines. She was vulnerable to her right; she could see straight to the other side of the slot machine packed room. 
    Ryn's current assignment was to find and copy secret documents from somewhere on the casino floor of this hotel without being detected. She had a partner in another part of the building and a team hidden outside in case anything went wrong. Ryn carried a new phazer model. It stunned the victim and allowed the carrier of it to walk away. The victim would never remember what happened. They would resume their previous task immediately after the effect wore off. That was the theory anyway. In reality, the weapon was unstable. Sometimes it did not last long enough and other times it didn't work at all.
    Footsteps approached from the other side of the booth Ryn was leaned up against. She crouched and slowly poised her phazer. The last thing she wanted was to be discovered and have the alarm sounded. The footsteps continued to approach and Ryn knew it was inevitable for the guard to come across her hiding space. Just as she was in position to flip around the corner and stun the guard, his body landed with a dull thud in front of her. She tensed. What in the world? Ryn wondered when right at that moment her partner came from around the corner of the booth. “Where have you been?” Ryn asked in a hushed voice. “Well," Mary, her partner, explained. "When you headed in here, I turned into another room and found the computer that has all the files on it. I was headed back to get you when I saw the guard come in here. I knew where you were, so I sneaked up behind him and knocked him out.” “Good thing too,” Ryn said, “I ran the risk us of being discovered while I phazed him with this new model." "but now we have a new problem," Mary said. "He could be found or someone could notice that he is missing." Ryn sighed. "Come on, let's tie him up." 
    They made sure that his gag was firmly in place and his ropes were tied securely before hiding him. They moved on to the room Mary had been talking about. Just as they had opened up the files, an alarm sounded and the whole building was alive. "Oh boy," Mary said. "bet they found that guard we left." "Or they DIDN'T find him." "Come on, flash the files and lets hide. I don't think there is a way we can escape now. Here, through this door, its a blank room. Easier to defend; only one door in and out." Ryn followed her into the room and shut the door. "Ryn!", Mary hissed from the other side of the room. "Come here!" Ryn walked to where Mary was standing and stared.
    There were two shafts, side by side with elevators in them. They were not normal looking elevators though. These were made of wood and looked like tall fruit crates. They were odd; painted blue with a rope that was tied to the top of the crate and went up into the shaft so far that Ryn couldn't see the end. On the floor of the elevators, there were odd, gold stones. There were fifteen in each elevator and every one was about the size of a golf ball. Another rope was hanging down from the shaft and on the end of it hung a red bucket. Below the bucket there was a small hole cut into the floor just large enough for the bucket to go through. Ryn looked down the hole but she could not see the bottom.
    "I wonder how these things work. This could be our way out." Ryn said. "Well," Mary replied, "it appears that you step into the crate and place these stones in the bucket. Like this.. oh, my! These are heavy!" Indeed, each stone weighed about ten pounds. Ryn stepped into the other "elevator" and proceeded to lift the objects into her bucket. After she put about ten in the bucket, her elevator started to move upward. "Hey, Mary! Look! Its going up!"  "Yeah, I know. Mine has started to move as well." "Quick," Ryn said. "Put the rest of the stones in." They finished adding the stones then stood in their crates until they had reached the very top. Ryn stepped out of her elevator and looked around. "Wooow! Would you look at this place!"


"See, Sir?" "Yes... That's very odd. Show me again." The guard hit rewind on the security video until he got to the beginning then hit play. The short clip showed two people walk into a room and close the door. The first one inspects a wall then calls the other over. They discuss something for a while then the second person steps forward and walks through the wall. The first person stands still for a couple of seconds then walks through as well. The guard stopped the tape. "That's it, sir. They have completely vanished. Our experts examined the wall but found nothing out of the ordinary." "Hmmm. This is new technology. I have seen nothing like it before. We must find out what it is." "Sir?" "Yes?" "They took the files." "Curses! We must catch them! Those files in the wrong hands could mean the end of this war!" "I know, sir." The man sighed and walked across the room to look out a window that overlooked the city. "If they escape, its all over."

Chapter 2

Ryn and Mary found themselves in an enormous cave. They were high up from the bottom of the large cave on a ledge but there was a natural staircase that led to the down to it. The ledge they were on was very large and set back into the rock face. Like a small cave within the big one. The small cave was large enough to park two average minivans in. The main cave was massive. Its walls were painted to look like a forest. The artist who painted them was a master. It was difficult to tell that it was not real. 
    "This is so odd..." Ryn said. "We were just in a hotel. It didn't look this big from the outside.." "Ryn!!" "What?!" "Turn around! Look, the elevators are gone!" "Okay, something's up. This is really weird." "At least we won't be followed."
    Mary started climbing down the staircase to the floor of the cave. "Hey, Ryn. Look at this wheel." Mary started to turn it while Ryn came down the steps behind her. "Mary.... What's that sound....?" They turned to see a thick, blue, liquid rushing into the cave from a hole in the opposite wall. Instinctively, Ryn knew it was lava. But... blue lava? "Mary... we have to get out of here. NOW." The lava was quickly rising. The floor was not flat, there were raised pieces of stone. Mary and Ryn were standing on one of those. "Look! Up there is a way out!" On the side of the cave opposite where they originally came in there was another staircase that led up to an opening with blue sky beyond. They rushed across the cave floor on the raised sections and started to climb the staircase. Water began to pour out of the hole in the wall instead of the lava. Steam, accompanied by a hiss, filled the air and the boiling mixture rose faster. They finally reached the mouth of the cave and realized they were now on the side of a mountain. "To-to, we're not in Kansas anymore." Mary muttered.
    The view was amazing. They were looking at something straight out of a Swiss postcard. Everything was a luscious green. Pines stood tall with blue sky behind them and more mountains could be seen in the distance. Ryn and Mary were just below the timberline. Snow capped the mountain they were standing upon. 
    The water was still rising behind them and it was starting to spill out of the cave. They ran down the hill. The water was beginning to gain on them when they saw a young man in a boat sitting on the side of the hill. "Okay, THAT is really weird." Ryn said. "Hurry!" the young man called. "Jump in!" They scrambled in just before the water overtook them and lifted the boat off the ground. The ride down the hill was a rush. How they made it down without hitting any trees, Ryn thought she would never know. They finally reached the bottom where a gentle river was flowing and slowly started to drift downstream.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Answered Prayer

When I first considered coming to youth group on Wednesday nights, I knew from coming on Sundays that I didn't know anyone well enough to actually sit with them and I felt weird asking! So Dad told me I should pray and ask God to help me get a friend. I was not expecting what I got.
The first night of youth group, I hesitated about going in and I was prepared to stick it out and sit by myself like on Sundays for however long it would take to find a "sittin" friend. When I finally went in I talked to a few of my friends and played some games. When it was time to go inside I found a seat and then sat there... In the back.. Haha Suddenly, a couple of girls, a blond and a red-head, came running up the stairs and squeezed past me to go see a friend. "Excuse us!" they said. After they had talked to their friend, they came back over to me. "Do we know you?" the red-head asked me. "Do YOU know her?" she asked her friend. "I think I've seen you around fsm." I replied. "Well," she continued, "I'm R, this is B. Would you like to hang out with us tonight?" I gave them a HUGE smile and then said that would be awesome!
After that she introduced me to so many friends and it just seemed to branch out like a network of all these amazing people I never knew existed! So thanks to God and R reaching out to me, I am a pretty popular person in FSM, I am never without friends to sit with, and I met my best friends. God didn't even make me wait a week! He gave me friends on the first night!
Some of my senior friends recently told me that they are so glad that they met me. :) I am extremely thankful as well! I had been a little bit worried for a while that I had been a tag-along. They always treated me nicely but they would never say, "Hey, kid, quit bothering us! We're seniors!" if I had been annoying! They are too amazing to be that type. :) Encouragrams also affirmed me of how much all my friends love me. :) a couple of the encouragrams were so nice, they made me cry! So now, whenever I remember, I'm on the lookout for anyone who looks lonely. I hope that I can be an R to someone one of these days!