A little while back I was bored and so I decided to re-write my biography on facebook. It is wild, crazy and entirely fictitious! But now I'm thinking that no one was ever going to take the time to read it and if they did, they might be confused. (They would have to be pretty dumb to believe all those tall-tales but no offense. :)) SO I figured I should just retire it to a blog post. I don't expect anyone to read it here either, but I'll still have it for me. :)
The Life and Adventures of.... me :)
I was born in Albuquerque and grew up in a small town off the coast of Iowa. I had 11 siblings because everything was cheaper by the dozen. When I was about 5 years old I went skydiving for the first time. We moved to Antarctica for three years before moving back to the states and settling, for the time being, in Hawaii. The climate change was hard to get used to but its pretty awesome there and sometimes i wish we could move back. After Hawaii, we moved to DC where I got a pet politician but he was mean and so we had him put down. I was now 11 years old and half of my siblings had disappeared randomly over the years. I missed them very much and wondered where they had gone... At thirteen my world was shaken when I was told by my parents that Dad was a secret agent and all those people I had thought were my siblings were actually a band of traveling midgets whom dad had been assigned to protect. I truly only had four siblings. We moved to Texas on March 5, 2007. At fourteen, my oldest brother, Bob, died while in the wilds of Manhattan. It was a devastating loss but we learned to cope without him. On the eve of my fifteenth birthday, i was wary, because all of my birthdays of the past two years had catastrophe connected to them, but that one passed without incident. I had finally begun to feel some security in life when we again moved away from all my friends to California. This, by far, was the hardest move because I had finally thought that I would have a group of friends forever but it was not to be. I think the teenage years are the hardest to reconnect in a totally new group of strangers. But I persevered and came out alive. In the august before my sixteenth birthday, the best thing that has happened to me thus far occurred: we moved to a farm in the middle of America. Once again, it was hard to move, leave all my friends, and make new ones in a group of total strangers, but it worked out better this time than ever before. I met several amazing people!! I joined a youth group and a Bible study..... and here I am today. The summer after that wonderful move. It has almost been a year since we moved here. What will my seventeenth birthday hold, I wonder?